Friday, August 28, 2015

Back to the future - Swiss Girini 1978/2015

Hot summer in Belgrade, July 2015. Quite unexpectedly, my brother CEE (Chief Executive Engeneer) and I CED (Chief Executive Designer), came into possession of an old racing bike - Girini, Swiss with Italian pedigree.

- this is how it was look like our first meeting with this bike - it was unsightly, dilapidated and rusty

 - then we began restoring it. First we had to dismantle it and after that cleaned it up entirely

- seat post before and after polishing

- we made the chainwheel and pedals shine again

- covering the seat and steering wheel with a black leather

There was still a lot of work to do: bonding tabulars, centering wheels, fine tuning, countless test drives ......

Finally, after a moth of work, we brought our orange bike to its first photo session :-)

GIRINI 2015 !!!

Hmm, does it need a watch? Though, this is a timeless machine
p.s. Special thanks to our friends Bajker, Kuzmanovic and Rakhil for their help

p.p.s. See all these pictures with music in the background on YouTube: